Reimagining cancer

Innovation-driven exploration and care

This issue of Stanford Medicine magazine explores advances in cancer science, prevention and care.

Featured Media for Reimagining cancer

Cancer research and care


Letter from the Dean

Unlocking the secrets of curing cancer

Cancer research and clinical advances come at a critical moment as cancer incidence continues to rise


Upfront is a quick look at the latest developments from Stanford Medicine

Out-of-body experiments

Determining the destructive role of gluten in people with celiac disease

Preemie parenting, kangaroo-style

Skin-to-skin contact between a newborn and parent imparts lasting cognitive benefits

Bladder control nirvana

Low-impact exercise can reduce daily episodes of urinary incontinence for women, a study finds

Prognosis in plain sight

Researchers can predict success for patients with upper-spine injuries

Flipping genes

A study finds bacterial genes can encode more than one protein, altering a core understanding of genetics.

Inhaler emissions

Metered-dose asthma inhalers emit outsized portion of greenhouse gases

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Cover for AI explodes
Issue 3 / 2023

AI explodes

Taking the pulse of artificial intelligence in medicine