
Exploring the essence of life

This issue of Stanford Medicine magazine highlights fundamental research at Stanford Medicine and the many ways in which scientists are exploring the science of life.

Featured Media for Discovery

Medical discovery

Letter from the Dean

Unlocking the secrets of human biology

Closing gaps in our understanding of the human body is central for precision health




Upfront is a quick look at the latest development from Stanford Medicine

Gunshot wound setbacks

Readmissions account for $86 million of the $911 million spent yearly on gun-injury hospitalizations, according to analysis by Stanford researchers.

Power play

Scientists have developed an algorithm that can quickly detect 14 types of disease by scanning hundreds of chest X-rays in a matter of seconds.

Opioid-free relief

People who have physical therapy soon after a diagnosis for shoulder, back and other musculoskeletal pain are less likely to use opioids, an analysis shows.

Lingering heart risks

People born with heart defects have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease as adults and should be monitored more carefully than previously thought.

Neutralizing pain

Researchers hope discovery of brain cells that make pain unpleasant can lead to treatments for chronic pain patients

Social eating

Researchers have identified a brain-circuitry link between how much food mice consume and social interactions, which could lead to treatments for people with anorexia.

Smooth operation

Knowing the genetic makeup of tissue that forms around organs after surgery could prevent the painful adhesions.

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Cover for AI explodes
Issue 3 / 2023

AI explodes

Taking the pulse of artificial intelligence in medicine